Category Archives: Projects

Battle Towers Soundtrack – Chaos

Complete soundtrack to the Android and iOS strategy game ‘Battle Towers’. This video features the music for the Chaos faction.

Battle Towers Soundtrack – Order

Complete soundtrack to the Android and iOS strategy game ‘Battle Towers’. This video features the music for the Order faction.
Music composed by Nick May
Image copyright – Outlander Studios
Download the game here for Android:
Also available on iOS devices from the App Store.
Music composed in 2010 using Logic Pro and East West sample libraries.

Lost and Found wins the Sunrise Film Festival Award!

Lost and Found is a short film directed and written by my good friend David Stafford. His film has recently won the Sunrise Film and Animation Festival Award hosted by Ditto (

The film includes a music score written by myself. You can watch the film and listen to the score below, hope you enjoy it!

Coming to Terms – Snippet: Music by Nick May

Coming to Terms is an upcoming student film directed by Benjamin Guy, of which I’m providing a music score for.
Below is a short snippet of the demo music I’ve written for the film so far.

“Coming To Terms is a short film that centres around a man looking for answers about life and death.”

New Equilibrium Video Game Demo Video!

A great new Equilibrium demo video has been uploaded by Outlander Studios (the creators of Equilibrium) featuring the Chaos and Order battle music that I wrote for the game. It also shows how the game has progressed into a much more graphically stunning 3D game for mobile devices. Check it out!

The One They Seek – Film Score by Nick May: Action and Finale

Here are some more samples from my music for the film ‘The One They Seek’ directed by Katie Smith.

The One They Seek – Film Score by Nick May: Sneak Peak

Here are a few samples put together from work I’ve done so far on a student film called ‘The One They Seek’.

– An upcoming short film about a woman out for vengeance for the demise of her slaughtered parents. Set in a medieval fantasy world, across vast countryside and deep woodland she must ‘Hunt and destroy him before he reaches his people in the West’.

The music contains a clear reference to the setting and time period of the film, as well as establishing a couple of leitmotifs (character themes) for both the main characters of the film. Hope you enjoy it! More to come soon…

The Phantom Executioner – Film Score

This is a film that I scored a while ago now. The director, Adam Schwartz, contacted me via Youtube as he liked some of my chilled out beats I was making for an album project at the time. It was a student film, and took a fair while to complete which gave me quite a lot of time to work on the music. This is probably the lengthiest of all the short films I have composed music for, allowing me to explore theme and variation techniques throughout, building to the fully fleshed ‘end credits’ suite featuring the main theme in it’s most complete form.

Adam was keen on having music throughout the entirety of the film, always complementing the dialogue with some form of atmosphere or drones. This was a new approach to me, as I would usually ‘spot’ films of this length, and only compose music for certain scenes. It was therefore important to make sure the music during the intense dialogue scenes was quite subtle and understated, then in the fight scenes, the music can come out to play!

Adam has recently put the film up on Vimeo, so check it out!

New Game Music Project: Greyout

Greyout is a unique platform puzzle game created by Janek Schafer. I have been asked to write the music for the game and the video below shows just a taster of the game and it’s first music track.

Game of Thrones Intro: Composing Challenge

This is my entry into the ‘Composers Challenge’ held at

The task was to re-write the music for the Game of Thrones intro sequence. I also decided to re-work the sound design too.

Game of Thrones Intro: Composing Challenge. Music by Nick May from Nick May on Vimeo.

My entry came 2nd place, which I’m very happy about considering the tough competition. Let me know what you think!